Newest Works

Yule Lights

Published on 30 December 2019 | Short Story | Gift Story 

As the new lord of Ost-in-Edhil, Celebrimbor must preside over a Yule festivity lacking what he loved of the celebration when he was younger, elements that have become fraught by association with Fëanor, but Annatar has a surprise for him.

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Characters: Celebrimbor, Curufin, Sauron

Home Alone: Forgotten in Formenos

Published on 25 December 2019 | Novella

In the rush to depart for a Yule celebration in Taniquetil, Amrod and Amras are accidentally left behind by their family. When two skeevy Maiar vying for Melkor's attention set their sights on Fëanor's treasury, only these two can protect it. Yes indeed, it is a Silmarillion/Home Alone crossover.

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Characters: Amras, Amrod, Fëanor, Nerdanel


Published on 18 July 2019 | Short Story | Gift Story 

Fingon is constantly pushing Maedhros's boundaries, but this time, he has gone too far. Put on mandatory sick leave after an injury, Maedhros decides to spend his three weeks recuperating alone, setting Fingon on a chase across Aman to find and make amends to his lover ... and yes, transgress one more boundary, one more time.

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Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Turgon

Fanfiction’s Hidden City: Affirmational and Transformational Practices in the Tolkien Fanfiction Community

Published on 18 April 2019 | Conference Paper

Despite more than six decades in existence and nearly two as one of the most consistently dominant fic fandoms, Tolkien-based fanfiction is under-studied in the scholarship and often does not fit how scholarship by fans and academics alike describe "fic fandom." This paper, presented at the 2019 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, pushes for recognition of Tolkien-based fanfiction as containing both tranformational elements (as typically associated with fanfiction by scholars) and affirmational elements generally associated with male "curative" fandom.

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Topic: Fandom Culture
Characters: No characters listed.

Data on Tolkien Fanfiction Culture and Practices (1st Edition)

Published on 15 April 2019 | Research

This document contains data for all items from the Tolkien Fan Fiction Survey, as well as some commentary and analysis.

More about this work

Topic: Fandom Culture, Fandom History
Characters: No characters listed.