Newest Works


Published on 12 February 2010 | | Author's Choice , | Award Winner , | Gift Story 

While embarking upon an Arctic expedition in hopes of discovering secret knowledge that might relieve the marring of Arda, a loremaster of Tirion makes a much darker discovery that undermines the very foundation of his belief. Inspired by the style and mythology of H.P. Lovecraft.

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Characters: Fëanor, Valar

The Longest Night

Published on 7 January 2010 | | Gift Story , | Reader's Choice 

In the depths of a bitter winter, Finrod Felagund receives an invitation from Bëor to attend a strange midwinter festival in honor of the longest night of the year.

This work is part of the collection Felakverse.

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Characters: Bëor, Beren, Finrod Felagund

Take Pity upon Him: Did Maedhros Really Threaten to Kill Elrond and Elros at the Third Kinslaying?

Published on 17 November 2008 | | Award Winner 

I challenge the once-popular fanon that Maedhros threatened to kill Elrond and Elros at Sirion, only to have Maglor stay his hand.

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Topic: Fandom Culture, Tolkien Studies
Characters: No characters listed.

An Ordinary Woman

Published on 27 January 2008 | Short Story | Author's Choice , | Award Winner , | Gift Story 

A more realistic interpretation of Lúthien's story, how she came to enter her people's legends, how she met Beren, and how Finrod got himself into deep trouble.

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Characters: Elu Thingol, Finrod Felagund, Lúthien Tinúviel

A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment in Canon and Fandom

Published on 15 January 2008 | Essay | Award Winner 

A review of the canon facts available on Nerdanel and discussion of why she remains so popular with fans despite her scarce appearances in the texts.

More about this work

Topic: Character Study, Fandom Culture, Gender and Tolkien, Tolkien Studies
Characters: Nerdanel