Newest Works

The Coronation

Published on 23 December 2007 | Short Story | Gift Story , | Reader's Choice 

Nerdanel, Finarfin, and Eärwen on the day of Finarfin's coronation.

This work is part of the collection Felakverse.

More about this work

Characters: Eärwen, Finarfin, Nerdanel


Published on 1 December 2007 | Short Story | Author's Choice , | Award Winner , | Gift Story 

Fëanor and Nerdanel meet again at the end of the world. A tale of loss and redemption.

This work is part of the collection Felakverse.

More about this work

Characters: Fëanor, Nerdanel

Stars of the Lesser

Published on 29 November 2007 | Short Story | Award-Nominated , | Gift Story , | Reader's Choice 

Young Pengolodh meets his first Fëanorian beside the sea, as Celebrimbor attempts to replicate Fëanor's greatest accomplishment: harnessing light.

This work is part of the collection Felakverse.

More about this work

Characters: Celebrimbor, Pengolodh

Evidence Of

Published on 4 June 2007 | Ficlet | Reader's Choice 

A possibly-crazy Maglor, a decidedly weird Maedhros, and a lifetime of memories that might explain why Maglor chose the fate that he did. 500 words.

More about this work

Characters: Maedhros, Maglor

The Accidental King: Five Reasons Why Finarfin Deserves More Appreciation

Published on 3 June 2007 | Essay | Award Winner 

An essay and commentary looking at the canonical facts about Finarfin in contrast to the neglect and hostility that his character is given by the Silmarillion fan fiction community.

More about this work

Topic: Character Study, Tolkien Studies
Characters: Finarfin